How To/python/

'''test row'''
print 12345678901234567890
'''10 characters long string filled with trailing spaces'''
print "% 10s" % "abc"
#       abc
'''10 characters long string filled with proceding spaces'''
print ("% -10s" % "abc") + "+"
#abc       +
'''9 characters long float with 4 decimal places returned as string filled with proceding spaces'''
print "% 9s" % ("%.04f" % 93.12)
#  93.1200
'''float with 2 decimal places'''
print "%.02f" % 201.12345
print "%.02f" % 201.126
'''int to hex in 0x00 format'''
print "0x%02x" % 11
print "0x%02x" % 128
print "my name is %s and i am %d years old" % ("Jack", 23) # my name is Jack and i am 23 years old