How To/python/

# define your own exceptions
class NumberTooSmallError(Exception):pass
class NumberTooBigError(Exception):
    message = '\nException: NumberTooBigError:\nYour number is too big. \nTry a smaller one!'
class NumberThreeError(Exception):
    def __init__(self):
        print '\nException: ThreeNumberError:\nThree is not number ya\'re lookin\' for.\n'
class NumberFiveError(Exception):pass #uncaught exception
#function that uses user-defined exceptions
def checkNumber(num):
    if(num == 3):
        raise NumberThreeError
    elif(num == 5):
        raise NumberFiveError
    elif(num < 99):
        raise NumberTooSmallError, "Exception: given number is too small"
    elif(num > 99):
        raise NumberTooBigError, "Exception: given number is too big"
    return num
#python try...catch block (why it is called try...except?)
while 1:
        usrInput = int(raw_input( "\nPlease enter the magic number: " ))
        print checkNumber(usrInput)
    except NumberTooSmallError:
        print "Number too small"
    except NumberTooBigError, e:
        print "Number too big" + e.message
    except NumberThreeError:
        print 'Ooops!'
    #here shuld be one more except block for catching
    #int(): val is not numeric exception
    #except ValueError:
        #print "Only numeric values are accepted" 